The Leaven

the dragnet.

the prodigal son

the barren fig tree. May 5,2024

the patches and the wineskins.

the children at play. june 16, 2024.

the ten virgins. july 7, 2024.

the two sons . August 4, 2024.

the householder. September 1, 2024.

the rich fool. april 28,2024

the persistence widow. May 19

taking the lowest seat. june 9, 2024.

the talents. june 23, 2024.

the unmerciful servant . juLY 21, 2024.

the vineyard workers . Aug 25, 2024.

the growing seed. September 15, 2024.

parables introduction

the wheat and the tare

the sower

the hidden treasure

the lost sheep.

the wicked vine-dressers

the pharisee and the tax collector.

the wedding feast june 2, 2024.

the empty house. june 23, 2024.

the friend at midnight. juLY 14, 2024.

the Shrewd Steward . August 11, 2024.

the great supper. September 8, 2024.

pearl of great price

the lost coin.

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